What's Really Happening With The Greek Debt Swap Talks
Greek debt restructuring constitutes one of the most ominous obstacles for the eurozone debt crisis right now, as private holders of Greek debt and the government bicker over a deal to extend the maturiies on Greek bonds.
No surprise here, as Greece has until mid-March to figure out the debt swap deal in order to receive its next round of aid from the EU and IMF. But the mere lack of an agreement could just be being blown out of proportion.
Greek PM Lukas Papademos is scheduled to resume talks with representatives of bondholders tomorrow, after a five-day break. So far, talks have appeared to hit a dead end, as the government struggles to convince private sector creditors to stomach 50% losses on Greek debt holdings in what would constitute the first developed market default in more than 60 years.
According to a source cited by Bloomberg, bondholders are
pressing for coupon payments—essentially, interest received on their bond
holdings over time—to grow from the 4% EU, IMF, and Greek officials are
suggesting to higher interest rates as the Greek economy improves over time.
Government officials are evidently rejecting this idea, as it would impinge on
Greek efforts at debt sustainability.
Troubles in negotiations between
private sector holders of Greek debt and the government do admittedly pose some
hurdles to the euro area. The European
Central Bank has been particularly vehement that debtholders accept losses
voluntarily and avoid provoking a credit event that would trigger payouts of
credit default swaps, insurance contracts on Greek bonds. The effects of a
credit event are difficult to trace, and could potentially be widespread.
However, there are signs that an
involuntary deal—and the subsequent credit event—is already being
priced into the market. Walter Kurtz at Pragmatic Capitalism explains:
Unlike bonds held in banking books or
loans, derivatives contract get marked to markets daily. All the banks have to
do is look at their Bloomberg
monitors and mark the contracts – it’s a transparent market (in spite of what
many believe). The losses associated with Greek CDS have already been taken by
banks who wrote this protection – a while back.
True, a credit event could have
unintended consequences beyond those that investors are already pricing in. But
the size of the Greek CDS market is relatively small—$74 billion net and $4
billion gross, according to Citi's Willem Buiter—and the effects of not
provoking a credit event could compromise
faith that EU leaders will play by market rules.
Add that to some depressing
facts about the government's failure to institute the austerity measures it
has promised and comments from ECB President Mario Draghi that EU officials will
have to assess whether the current agreement on a selective default in Greece
are "realistic," and angst over private sector involvement appears to be just a
symptom of a larger sovereign debt problem.