Getty/Sarah Rice
Occupy Wall Street is trying to make a huge comeback tomorrow with an entire day of protests have been planned in honor of May Day.
City officials and financial firms are already on high alert and also planning on how to operate around this day of protest that could shut down the city.
What are these protests that could handicap New York so? OWS wasn't shy about making that publicly available information on their website—here's the whole list of events from 8am to 8pm tomorrow, along with their location, time and organization sponsors:
99 Picket Lines
Midtown Manhattan
Community groups, unions, affinity groups and OWS
Midtown Manhattan
Community groups, unions, affinity groups and OWS
Pop-up Occupation with Mutual Aid (unpermitted)
8am–2pm, Bryant Park, Manhattan
Occupy Wall Street
8am–2pm, Bryant Park, Manhattan
Occupy Wall Street
May Day Morning Commute from Brooklyn
8:00am, Maria Hernandez Park, Brooklyn
Free Coffee + Breakfast! MARCH from Knickerbocker to Flushing to Broadway to Continental Army Plaza
Occupy Williamsburg, Occupy Bushwick
8:00am, Maria Hernandez Park, Brooklyn
Free Coffee + Breakfast! MARCH from Knickerbocker to Flushing to Broadway to Continental Army Plaza
Occupy Williamsburg, Occupy Bushwick
Sitting Meditation
8–11am, Bryant Park (southwest corner), Manhattan
OWS Meditation working group
8–11am, Bryant Park (southwest corner), Manhattan
OWS Meditation working group
Bike Bloc
9am, Union Square, Manhattan
Strike Everywhere
9am, Union Square, Manhattan
Strike Everywhere
The Free University: Lectures, Workshops, Skill-Shares and Discussions
10am–3pm, Madison Square Park, Manhattan
more info
10am–3pm, Madison Square Park, Manhattan
more info
Occupy Brooklyn March over the Williamsburg Bridge and into Wall Street
10:30am, Continental Army Plaza, Brooklyn
Occupy Williamsburg, Occupy Bushwick
10:30am, Continental Army Plaza, Brooklyn
Occupy Williamsburg, Occupy Bushwick
Building Community Alternatives to Capitalism Day
11am–10pm, LaunchPad, 721 Franklin Ave., Brooklyn
Brooklyn Skillshare
11am–10pm, LaunchPad, 721 Franklin Ave., Brooklyn
Brooklyn Skillshare
Teach-in: How to Keep Your Cool and Occupy…Understanding Aggression
11am, Bryant Park (southwest corner), Manhattan
OWS Meditation working group
11am, Bryant Park (southwest corner), Manhattan
OWS Meditation working group
High School Student Walkout Convergence
12pm, Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn
12pm, Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn
Guitarmy: Guitar Workshop and Rehearsal with Tom Morello
Permitted Gathering Space for May Day Festivities
12pm, Bryant Park, Gertrude Stein Statue (east side), Manhattan
OWS Music working group
Permitted Gathering Space for May Day Festivities
12pm, Bryant Park, Gertrude Stein Statue (east side), Manhattan
OWS Music working group
all day, art events throughout NYC
all day, art events throughout NYC
Wildcat March (unpermitted)
1pm, Sara D. Roosevelt Park (East Houston St. & 2nd Ave.), Manhattan
Strike Everywhere
1pm, Sara D. Roosevelt Park (East Houston St. & 2nd Ave.), Manhattan
Strike Everywhere
OWS Mutual Aid cluster
1pm-4pm, Union Square
OWS Mutual Aid cluster is hosting a free store, skill shares and workshops on a variety of subjects related to life outside the dominant capitalist paradigm.
1pm-4pm, Union Square
OWS Mutual Aid cluster is hosting a free store, skill shares and workshops on a variety of subjects related to life outside the dominant capitalist paradigm.
* 3pm May Pole Dance with Movement for Change and the Puppet Guild.
Meditation Flash Mob followed by Kirtan
1pm, Bryant Park (southwest corner), Manhattan
OWS Meditation working group
1pm, Bryant Park (southwest corner), Manhattan
OWS Meditation working group
Day Without Workers/Día sin los Trabajadores: May Day March and Speakout
2pm, 5th Ave. at 54th St. in Brooklyn, marching to 36th St & 4th Ave. to take subway at 3:30pm to Union Square rally in Manhattan
Occupy/Ocupemos Sunset Park
2pm, 5th Ave. at 54th St. in Brooklyn, marching to 36th St & 4th Ave. to take subway at 3:30pm to Union Square rally in Manhattan
Occupy/Ocupemos Sunset Park
MayDay on D-Block!!
2pm, Houston & Ave D, Manhattan
LES public housing residents & tenants take their struggle to the street! All invited!
Occupy Avenue D
2pm, Houston & Ave D, Manhattan
LES public housing residents & tenants take their struggle to the street! All invited!
Occupy Avenue D
Occupy Wall Street & Guitarmy March (unpermitted)
2pm, Bryant Park to Union Square, Manhattan
2pm, Bryant Park to Union Square, Manhattan
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two-Spirit, Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Contingent!
3pm at Regal Movie Theatre, 50 Broadway (at 13th St.) - joining rally at Union Square after
Audre Lorde Project, FIERCE, Queers for Economic Justice, Streetwise and Safe and the Sylvia Rivera Law Project
3pm at Regal Movie Theatre, 50 Broadway (at 13th St.) - joining rally at Union Square after
Audre Lorde Project, FIERCE, Queers for Economic Justice, Streetwise and Safe and the Sylvia Rivera Law Project
Solidarity Rally with Tom Morello, Dan Deacon, Immortal Technique, Das Racist, Bobby Sanabria and special guests(permitted)
4–5:30pm, Union Square, Manhattan
May First Coalition, Labor Unions and OWS
4–5:30pm, Union Square, Manhattan
May First Coalition, Labor Unions and OWS
May Day Choir Convergence
5:15pm, Madison Square Park (in front of the fountain), Manhattan
5:15pm, Madison Square Park (in front of the fountain), Manhattan
Occupy the Rent Guidelines Board: A Tenants’ General Assembly
5:30pm, 7 East 7th St. (outside Cooper Union), Manhattan
Real Rent Reform Campaign
5:30pm, 7 East 7th St. (outside Cooper Union), Manhattan
Real Rent Reform Campaign
Solidarity March (permitted)
5:30pm, Union Square to Wall Street, Manhattan
May First Coalition, Labor Unions and OWS
5:30pm, Union Square to Wall Street, Manhattan
May First Coalition, Labor Unions and OWS
JD Samson & MEN Perform
7pm, 2 Broadway
After the march concludes, more performances and speakers will start the after-party!
7pm, 2 Broadway
After the march concludes, more performances and speakers will start the after-party!
Occupy Wall Street Afterparty
8pm, Wall Street area
details forthcoming…
8pm, Wall Street area
details forthcoming…